
More Than a Quarter of U.S. Adults and Children Have at Least One Allergy

Print For Immediate Release: January 26, 2023 Contact: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, Office of Communication (301) 458-4800 E-mail: paoquery@cdc.gov Nearly 1 in 3 U.S. adults and more than 1 in 4 U.S. children reported having a seasonal allergy, eczema, or food allergy in 2021, according to new data from CDC’s National Center for […]

Seasonal Allergies at a Glance

If you have an allergy, your immune system reacts to something that doesn’t bother most other people. People with seasonal allergies (also called hay fever or allergic rhinitis) react to pollen from plants. Symptoms may include sneezing, coughing, a runny or stuffy nose, and itching in the eyes, nose, mouth, and throat. This page discusses […]

Allergies, Allergies, Allergies

Sniff, sniff.  Cough, cough. Scratch, scratch. Hmmm.  Must be allergy season. Well, since it always seems to be allergy season here in Texas, someone is always looking for relief. And if the cause isn’t seasonal, then they can happen anytime the body reacts to an allergen. Allergies come in many types, sizes and causes.  And […]

Telling the Difference Between Seasonal Allergies and COVID-19

With allergy season coinciding with the global pandemic, it bears repeating that we should all consider the similarities and differences between the symptoms for the two afflictions. Before you run off to be tested, consider which symptoms go with with which illness.  Let’s list the symptoms of each and those they have in common (data […]