Stroke Awareness

The fifth leading cause of death in the U. S. is stroke. And it is also a major cause of disability for adults. Since May is National Stroke Awareness Month, take a moment and learn about this health issue. What is a stroke and how would I recognize if a loved one or someone around […]
Affairs of the Heart

Take things to heart. Heartfelt. Places in the heart. But a pain in the heart or your chest—not so romantic. What should you do when you experience chest pains? Is it your heart or something else? When should you head to the hospital ER or the acute care center? First of all, there are different […]
Chest Pains and COVID-19

Chest pains in and of themselves are a concern. In these times of a global pandemic, they take on new significance. If you experience discomfort in your chest, it might include a dull ache, a crushing or burning feeling, a sharp stabbing pain or a pain that radiates to your neck or shoulder. It could […]