
Help Kids Learn New Skills to Be Healthy During the Summer

Print Español (Spanish) Helping children have healthy bodies and minds is as important as it ever was. You can help your kids prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for the upcoming school year with healthy and fun summer activities. Learning new ways to be healthy can help children: Handle stress well—through physical activity and taking steps […]

Women’s Health

Print Data are for the U.S. Health status Percent of women age 18 and older in fair or poor health: 15.2% (2022) Source: Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2019-2022 Alcohol use Percent of women age 18 and older who had four or more drinks in 1 day at least once […]

When it’s kids versus trampolines, kids often lose

More than 800,000 children sustained trampoline injuries in the U.S. between 2009 and 2018, most of whom were under the age of 16, according to a 2022 report using a national database and published in Pediatric Emergency Care. Most of these injuries occurred at the children’s own homes. Of these injuries, 34% were long bone […]

Six Ways to Ruin Your Summer Fun!

Ahhh, summer… when the weather’s nice, the birds are singing and the ways to endanger your health are many. Here are six things that can ruin your summer fun and simple steps that you can take to prevent them from happening. 1. Don’t Get Overheated It doesn’t matter whether you’re physically fit or young and […]

Drinks to Prevent Dehydration When Your Child is Vomiting

By: Meghan Horn, MD, FAAP & Christine Waasdorp Hurtado, MD, FAAP When your child is throwing up (vomiting), it’s easy for them to become dehydrated. The risk is even greater when fever causes them to sweat more or they are also losing fluid through diarrhea. Depending on how severe or how long the vomiting lasts, […]

Flu and Older Adults

Español On this page: How serious is the flu? How does the flu spread? Is it the flu, a cold, or COVID-19? How can you prevent the flu? What can I do if I get the flu? Each year, millions of people suffer from seasonal influenza, which is often called the flu. Flu is a […]

Safety Guidelines: After a Tornado

KEY POINTS After a tornado, there are many hazards you could face, including injuries from walking among debris or entering damaged buildings. Learn how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe after a tornado. Stay safe after a tornado After a tornado, there are many hazards you could face, including injuries from walking among […]

Feeding Our Children Nutritious Foods Should Be the Easiest of Decisions

Posted on March 28, 2024 by ODPHP Health and Well-Being Matter is the monthly blog of the Director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.  We are failing our children and future generations. In the United States in 2020, nearly 1 in 5 children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years were affected […]

More Than a Quarter of U.S. Adults and Children Have at Least One Allergy

Print For Immediate Release: January 26, 2023 Contact: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, Office of Communication (301) 458-4800 E-mail: paoquery@cdc.gov Nearly 1 in 3 U.S. adults and more than 1 in 4 U.S. children reported having a seasonal allergy, eczema, or food allergy in 2021, according to new data from CDC’s National Center for […]

Seasonal Allergies at a Glance

If you have an allergy, your immune system reacts to something that doesn’t bother most other people. People with seasonal allergies (also called hay fever or allergic rhinitis) react to pollen from plants. Symptoms may include sneezing, coughing, a runny or stuffy nose, and itching in the eyes, nose, mouth, and throat. This page discusses […]