A Healthy Mind Means a Healthy Body

We all work too hard and really should listen better. Studies have shown being socially well means your body is also healthy. And maintaining our brain health as we age can help stave off dementia, memory loss and other brain function issues. Overwork and chronic stress can have long-term consequences. If you are a workaholic, your […]
Understanding Blood Pressure

We hear about it almost every day: blood pressure. So, what is this thing about pressuring my blood? And what should I know about it? When your heart beats, it squeezes and pushes blood through your arteries to the rest of your body. Measuring the pressure created by this force is called taking your blood […]
Stroke Awareness

The fifth leading cause of death in the U. S. is stroke. And it is also a major cause of disability for adults. Since May is National Stroke Awareness Month, take a moment and learn about this health issue. What is a stroke and how would I recognize if a loved one or someone around […]
Affairs of the Heart

Take things to heart. Heartfelt. Places in the heart. But a pain in the heart or your chest—not so romantic. What should you do when you experience chest pains? Is it your heart or something else? When should you head to the hospital ER or the acute care center? First of all, there are different […]