
Safe Cycling

Living in Texas we are apt to be outside and exercising more than in colder climates.  One of the most popular ways of getting aerobic and cardio exercise outdoors is bicycling.

Along with the benefit of fresh air, exercise and a rush of endorphins, comes a bit of a risk.  Cycling can be risky if you don’t follow a few basic safety rules before and while you bike the trails and streets of your community.

  • Always wear a helmet. It’s called a “brain bucket” for a reason.
  • Ride a bike that fits you. From the frame to the saddle, a good bike has to fit your body.
  • Gloves and shorts will make riding more comfortable. And protect key parts of your body from injury.
  • Remember to stretch before and after a ride. Like runners, cyclists need to stretch their hamstrings, back and forearms before and after activity.

What if you take a spill or suffer some other kind of injury?  Which injuries could take you to Frontline ER?

  • Whether at speed or standing still, knees and hands get scraped up, and your head could be impacted. Or you might suffer a break—arm, shoulder, other bones.
  • Knee pain. Remember stretching? Overuse of a knee or an out-of-condition joint can flare up and need treatment.
  • Neck and back pain. Long rides hunched over handlebars can enflame the neck and back.
  • Wrist and forearm pain. While good padded gloves can help. Tight gripping of the handlebars and a static hand and arm position can lead to pain.
  • Urogenital problems. A poorly fitted seat and not using padded bike shorts can cause these pains to flare up, especially in older men.

Go out and enjoy yourself on your bike and with cycling friends.  Just be aware of how to prepare and where to go when an injury occurs.

Frontline ER is an acute care emergency room providing healthcare services to the communities we live and work within. Give us a call or contact us through our website should you have more questions about our services.



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