
Pesky Ringing in the Ears? 10 Tips

Patient Sitting Room

Pesky Ringing in the Ears? 10 Tips Ringing in the ears, or tinnitus as it is also referred to, is something that we may have experienced at one time or the other; probably after a concert. However, contrary to popular belief, tinnitus doesn’t always sound like a ringing sensation in the ears as it can […]

10 Ways to Improve Your Heart Health

Health check ups for kids

10 Ways to Improve Your Heart Health While there can be no denying the importance of our hearts to our normal body functioning, this importance is usually brought into even sharper focus when you suffer issues and complications with your heart such as heart disease, heart attacks among others. Heart health is important since issues […]

10 Tips: What Does Dizziness Mean

Patient check up in CT-Scan Room

10 Tips: What Does Dizziness Mean When you feeling dizzy it is basically a feeling of being lightheaded, woozy, feeling like the room is spinning and a general feeling of unsteadiness and loss of balance. It is a feeling that is all too familiar to most of us as chances are we have experienced it […]

10 Tips for Vitamin D Deficiency

little girl with doctor parent and nurse

10 Tips for Vitamin D Deficiency There are lots of essential nutrients and minerals our bodies need for the many vital processes that go on there, and vitamin D is definitely one of them. Vitamin plays a major role in a number of these many processes including building and maintaining strong bones, and that is […]

10 Tips for Staying Hydrated During Fall

Fun with Parents and Patient

10 Tips for Staying Hydrated During Fall It is pretty easy to stay hydrated in the summertime, mostly due to the heat and high temperatures. During the summer, there are lots of outdoor activities we engage in, from sports and picnics and many others, that require us to drink lots of water so as to […]

10 Tips for Sprains, Strains and Pain

Doctor with Patient

10 Tips for Sprains, Strains and Pain Ligaments, tendons and muscles are very important in our bodies, especially as connective tissues as they are the ones that connect bone to bone in our joints and as such help to keep our joints in place. Given their role, our ligaments, tendons and muscles are tough and […]

10 Tips for Putting Together Healthy Lunches Your Kids Will Actually Eat

Painless Treatment

10 Tips for Putting Together Healthy Lunches Your Kids Will Actually Eat If you have children, then you agree that kids are the fussiest and picky of fussy and picky eaters at the best of times. When it comes to healthy food, they become even more picky and parents daily have to deal with issues […]

10 Tips for Getting Rid of Pink Eyes

Our Staff in office

10 Tips for Getting Rid of Pink Eyes Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is a condition of the eye that is caused by an infection, which leads to swelling and inflammation of the conjunctiva. Pink eye can be as a result of a bacterial infection, which is more common in young children or a viral infection, […]

10 Tips for Flu Prevention

Kids Enjoying Time With Doctor

10 Tips for Flu Prevention Of all the illnesses that are there out there, flu is definitely one of the most common with the stats that are available by the CDC showing that as much as 20% of folks in the US get the flue every year. It is a condition that I’m sure we […]

10 Things That Can Cause Your Nose to Start Bleeding

fun with kids in kid's emergency room

10 Things That Can Cause Your Nose to Start Bleeding The fact that your nose not only contains many tiny blood vessels, but they are also all very close to the surface and can easily be damaged, then you begin to understand just why nosebleeds are so common. While bleeding in your nose can occur […]